Raphael×Hilda Support Conversations
C Support
ラファエル: よし、これをこうして……。
Raphael: Right, this goes here.
ヒルダ: あれー?ラファエルくん、何作ってるのー?
Hilda: Hello, Raphael!
What exactly are you doing with that piece of wood?
ラファエル: おう、ヒルダさんか。これをこうすんだ。……でやあっ!
Raphael: Hey, Hilda! I’m just doing this! Hyaaah!
ヒルダ: うわっ。素手で叩いてくり抜いたー!……だけど、フチだけ残ってるぅぅ?
Hilda: With your bare hands! Impressive that just the outer ring is left. It makes quite a nice circle.
ラファエル: よーし! これを磨いて、色を付ければ……首飾りの土台の完成だ!
Raphael: Yeah! Just gotta polish it up and paint it, then the base of the necklace will be ready.
ヒルダ: 首飾りー? うそでしょー?
Hilda: Sorry, did you say “necklace”?
ラファエル: どうだあ? ちょうどいい大きさだろ?この木は皮の匂いが最高なんだ。
Raphael: How’s it look? I bet it’s the right size too. And this tree bark smells amazing!
Now I just need to crave these boar tusks to hang from it.
ヒルダ: 猪の牙……。
Hilda: Boar tusks?
ラファエル: あ、狼の爪もあるんだ。これも色付けすれば……。
Raphael: I almost forgot! I was going to add these wolf claws too. And I could even add some color to them.
ヒルダ: 狼の……爪……。
Hilda: And wolf claws?!
ラファエル: ……ん? どうしたヒルダさん。
Raphael: Huh? Is something wrong, Hilda?
ヒルダ: ううん……。えっとー……。野性味溢れて、かっこいいねー……?
Hilda: That necklace! It has a certain, ah, rustic charm?
ラファエル: そうだろそうだろ!ヒルダさんにも作ってやろうか?
Raphael: You’re right, it really does! Want me to make you one while I’m at it?
ヒルダ: あ、あたしはいいかなー。きっとラファエルくんしか似合わないよー。
Hilda: Oh, no! I wouldn’t want to trouble you. Besides, I think it would look better on you than on me.
ラファエル: オデに似合っても仕方ねえよ。これ、妹の誕生日に贈るつもりなんだ。
Raphael: It would definitely look good on me, but this one’s actually a birthday present for my little sis.
ヒルダ: 妹さんの? あり得な……。あ、ううん、えっとー……。
Hilda: For your sister? I mean, ah…
Don’t you think she might like something more feminine? Something cute!
ラファエル: かわいい? かっけえんじゃダメか?これ、ほら、ここに牙と爪も付くんだぞ?
Raphael: Something cute? What’s wrong with something tough and rugged? This necklace is gonna have tusks and claws and stuff!
ヒルダ: 女の子はそれじゃ喜ばないと思うなー。お花とか宝石とかじゃないとー。
Hilda: But girls don’t usually go for tusks and claws and stuff. There should be flowers, or gems or… Here, I can talk you through it. If you’re making a necklace for your sister… You might try putting a pretty little flower in a small crystal bottle, and sealing it with resin.
ラファエル: 綺麗で珍しい花?それってどこに咲いてるんだ?
Raphael: If you say so. But where would I find a flower that was pretty enough?
ヒルダ: うーん、花にはあんまり詳しくないけど。あ、そーいえば……
Hilda: Oh, honestly, I don’t know much about flowers. But, hm, now that I think about it…
I remember hearing about a splendid flower that only blooms near Fódlan’s Throat.
ラファエル: フォドラの喉元? 同盟領の東の端っこか。間に合うかなあ……。
Raphael: Fódlan’s Throat? That’s on the eastern edge of the Alliance! I’d have to leave now if I’m going to make It back in time.
ヒルダ: あはは、ごめん。遠すぎるよねー。他には、えーと……。
あれ? いなくなっちゃった。まあ、いっかー。
Hilda: Huh. Yeah, that does seem like a bit of a stretch. OK, let me think…
Um, where’d he go? Well, no matter.
B Support
ヒルダ: ん? どなたー?
Hilda: Who is it?
ラファエル: オデだ。ラファエルだ。
Raphael: It's me! Raphael.
ヒルダ: ラファエルくんかー。今開けるねー。
Hilda: Oh, Raphael! I'll get the door.
ヒルダ: どうしたのー?……わわっ!
Hilda: What are you up to? Oh, whoa!
What an enormous crate! And look what's in it. Crystal vials, shiny rocks...
ラファエル: あと、これだ!
Raphael: And I got this too!
ヒルダ: 鮮やかなお花、とっても綺麗ー……。
Hilda: Oh what a splendid flower, and so fresh! Hey, wait a second, is that for your sister?
ラファエル: ああ、ようやく集まったんだ。お前が言ってた、「かわいいもの」。
Raphael: Yeah, I finally got my hands on "something cute," just like you suggested.
ヒルダ: へえ……って、ちょっと!この花、まさかフォドラの喉元で!?
Hilda: That's so nice! But... wait a second. Is this that flower from Fódlan's Throat?
ラファエル: おう、ひとっ走り行って、取ってきた。流石に疲れたぞ。
Raphael: Of course! I had to run to make it back in time. It was a lot farther than I thought!
ヒルダ: ひとっ走れる距離じゃないでしょー?それにこの水晶、パルミラ産よねー?
Hilda: You ran all that way? And while we're on the topic, aren't those Almyran crystals? Such fine carvings on them. They much be the work of a true artisan. It couldn't have been easy getting your hands on these.
ラファエル: お洒落さんのお前の言うもんなら間違いねえと思って、一生懸命探したんだ!
Raphael: I figured I should follow your advice! You know more about what's stylish than I ever could.
ヒルダ: うんうん、妹さんもきっと喜ぶよー。あとは首飾りにするだけねー!
Hilda: Well done. I'm sure your sister will be pleased. All that's left is to make that necklace!
ラファエル: ……それなんだけどよお。
Raphael: Yeah, about that... I don't know how to put it together. I spent so long the flowers have started wilting. There are only a few nice ones left.
ヒルダ: あちゃー……。そういうことかー……。
Hilda: Huh. That's not good. I could try telling you how to make it, but you can't afford to lose any more flowers. Oh, all right. Looks like it's Hilda to the rescue! I'll take it from here.
ラファエル: ほ、本当か!? 頼んでもいいのか!?
Raphael: Seriously?! You're really gonna help me?
ヒルダ: たまーに自分ように作ったりしてるしー。あなたが作るよりはマシじゃないかなー。
Hilda: Sure! I make myself things from time to time. And this is definitely easier than teaching you how. But you owe me for this! I expect to be paid back.
ラファエル: わかった! お礼は用意しとくからしっかり頼んだぞお!
Raphael: Don't you worry about that! I'll find something really nice to pay you back with.
ヒルダ: こんな希少なもの、よく揃えたわねー。そんなに妹がかわいいのかしら。
Hilda: It couldn't have been easy finding all these trinkets. He must really love his sister. Still, older brothers can be so dense.
A Support
ヒルダ: ラファエルくん、例の首飾り、出来たわよー。はい、これ。
Hilda: Hey Raphael! I finally finished that necklace for you. Here you go.
ラファエル: ん? ……うおおおお!?すげえよ、何だこれ! キラキラだぞ!
Raphael: Huh. Oh! Whoa! This is incredible! And so shiny!
You're like an artist, Hilda! How'd you do this?
ヒルダ: キラキラの石と花を小瓶の中に入れて、樹液を流し込んで固めたのー。
Hilda: Just like I told you. I put the flowers and the shiny rocks in a bottle, then poured in some resin to preserve everything.
I thought the flowers you had were looking a little pathetic, so I added a few of my own.
It was hard work, making sure the flowers and the stones were spread evenly, gettIng rid of the air bubbles...
ラファエル: じゃあこれは? 首にかける部分の紐。オデ、用意したものじゃないぞ?
Raphael: What's this? The part you hang around your neck? I thought you'd use the one I gave you...
ヒルダ: それは、あたしが作った編み紐。金属だとかぶれる子もいるからねー。
Hilda: Oh, yeah, no. That's a cord I braided. I was going to use metal, but some people are allergic to metal, so I figured, better safe than sorry.
Anyway, you didn't give me much to work with, and look what I pulled off! I'm a miracle worker.
ラファエル: す、すげえよ、すげえよ……!ヒルダさんすげえよおおおお!
Raphael: It's gorgeous! Beautiful! I've never seen anything like it! Thank you, Hilda!
ヒルダ: うわっ、何で泣くのよ。
Hilda: Whoa, hold up! What's with the blubbering?
ラファエル: だって、オデの妹、こんな綺麗なもん、貰ったことねえだろうし……!
Raphael: (still crying) It's just... I bet my sister never got anything so pretty in her whole life! She's had to deal with so much because of me! I never got her anything this nice and cute before! She's gonna love it... and be so happy...
ヒルダ: あー、はいはい……。もう、恥ずかしいからやめて……。
Hilda: Ah, um, OK. Yes, OK, that's enough. Come on, you're embarrassing me here...
If you're really that happy, I'm glad I put some effort into something. For once.
ラファエル: ぐすん……いつもは頑張ってねえのか?何で頑張らねえんだよ。
Raphael: Don't― Don't you always put effort into things?
ヒルダ: 頑張ったのに期待に応えられなかったら、嫌でしょ? それに、単純に疲れるしー。
Hilda: Hah! That's sweet of you, but no. I don't want to put in effort and then disappoint people. It's dispiriting, not to mention tiring.
ラファエル: でも、期待に応えられたら嬉しいだろ?相手も嬉しいし、みんな嬉しくなれるぞ。
Raphael: But what if they're not disappointed? Then they feel great, and you feel great too!
ヒルダ: ……うん、そうなんだね。ちょっとだけわかったよ。
Hilda: Yeah, you have a point there. I guess I'm realizing that now. You know, thanks to you, I'm starting to see things from my brother's perspective.
ラファエル: 兄ちゃん側? ああ、そうか。ヒルダさんにも兄ちゃんがいるんだったな。
Raphael: What do you mean? Do you have a big bro too?
ヒルダ: うん、過保護で面倒くさって思ってたけど、今はちょっと、感謝の気持ちっていうか。
Hilda: I do. I've always thought of him as an overprotective nuisance, but now I feel thankful.
Looking at you, I couldn't help but think, "Eh, sometimes big brothers are OK."
ラファエル: ふうん? 妹のことを気にするのは兄ちゃんとしては当たり前だけどなあ。
……そうだ! まだ首飾りのお礼を用意してねえんだけどよお。
Raphael: I didn't do anything special, though. It's natural for a big bro to look after his little sis. Oh! That reminds me! I still haven't found anything special enough to repay you for the necklace. I got an idea though. How about I help you make a tough looking necklace for your big bro?
ヒルダ: あはは、それは遠慮しとくわー。それよりも……
Hilda: No need. I have a better idea.
When the war's simmered down, why don't you and your sister come visit me?
ラファエル: え? そんなことでいいのか?
Raphael: Really? That's it?
ヒルダ: うん、妹さんに似合うか確認したいし。紐の調節とかしてあげたいしさ。
Hilda: Yeah. I want to make sure it suits her, and then I can adjust the cord, if I need to.
ラファエル: 言われなくても行くつもりだったぞ!妹だって、絶対に会いてえって言うよ。
Raphael: Of course we'll come and visit! I told my sis all about you and she already wants to meet ya!
ヒルダ: そっか、じゃあ……「末永くよろしく」ね。
Hilda: Well, good. I look forward to it. In the meantime, hold me close to your heart.
ラファエル: ……ん? 末永く?
Raphael: Uh... What?
ヒルダ: くすくす……その花の花言葉を言っただけー。
Hilda: That's what the necklace would say, if it could talk! "Hold me close to your heart."